I am a great believer in code re-use and sharing of ideas. The rise of the Internet has made this code sharing much easier and Open Source as it is now termed is a common feature in the development community.
I now find that one of the first things done before any project is started is to search for prior knowledge and Open Source on similar projects. Making use of others work whether that be just gaining ideas or using whole packages, frameworks and libraries can speed up project development.
Of course it isn't fair to use others work without submitting back work of your own to be used, therefore this page includes both Open Source code i have used and some of the work I have contributed to the Open Source community.
Open Source Contributions
PHP Source
- MySmarty - Smarty template engine cache enhancements.
- PHPUnit_Html - Web based reporting for PHPUnit.
Open Source Used
PHP Source
- Joomla - dynamic portal engine and Content Management System (CMS)
- Gallery - web based photo album organizer.
- phpBB - flat-forum Bulletin Board software .
- Minify - combines, minifies, and caches JavaScript and CSS files on demand to speed up page loads.
- Smarty - template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic.
- Snoopy - HTTP request engine that simulates sending browser requests.
- phpSniff - client sniffer that allows one to quickly determine the client's web browser and system information.
- PclTar - create, modify and extract GNU TAR archives
- GeoIP - geolocation data and services.
- CssTidy - CSS parser and optimiser
- PHP JSMin - removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files.
- NuSOAP - create and consume web services based on SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1 and HTTP 1.0/1.1.
JavaScript Source
- jQuery - fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX.
- MooTools - super lightweight Web2.0 JavaScript framework.
- ObjectSwap - force object tag automatic activation in Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser.
- OverLIB - enhance websites with small popup information boxes.
- Overlibmws - extended version of OverLIB.
- TinyMCE - web browser independent JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor control.
- ZeroClipboard - easy way to copy text to the clipboard from a web browser.
- Flexigrid - lightweight but rich data grid with resizeable columns, scrolling data and AJAX support.
- Ext JS - JavaScript framework for rich applications in every web browser.